Another year...

Another year...

Each turn of a year along with it comes a new blank page and an inclination, or rather collective suggestion, to consider what has happened in the last 12 months and to think about how we intend to spend the next. However, understandably, many of us may not yet be quite in the right mindset to focus our thoughts on what is ahead. Perhaps due to general exhaustion, lingering concerns, or because making resolutions in the traditional sense is not something that has ever resonated with you. Whatever your hesitation, we have a solution.

Thinking about the essence of making resolutions, it is simply taking time to quietly reflect and decide where you want to go next. It is about finding a moment of calm to focus and reset, to plan for living more intentionally in the months that will follow. And, though we may be encouraged to think otherwise, that is a practice that does not need to happen in January. In fact, it can be far better to have regular check-ins, to find moments of stillness to reflect on where you are and how you are doing.

Though it may not always feel like it, there are pockets of time throughout your day to find some space. Building an activity in smaller increments in to our daily lives has far higher chance to positively impact our wellbeing and potential for action, than waiting for or searching for big moments. Whether it's going for a short walk to take in some fresh air and clear your mind, indulging in the serenity of your skincare routine, having a quiet cup of tea, or any other activity that encourages your mind to re-center, if you take a second to look we are sure you will find the space you are seeking.

Creating some mental space can encourage our mind to wander and get creative too. It can remind us of that artist or author or philosophy we intended to look up and explore further, and then found ourselves too busy. It can prompt a memory to come to the surface and help us tap into happier times that we'd like to experience again. This process of finding calm and the thoughts that come up through it all help to inform which way we want to direct our sails.

There is no time like the present, so why don't you stop for a moment now and think about what you do every day. Are there any small gaps where you can take pause to reflect and set some intentions? Whether it's five minutes or longer, if you plan to do this regularly over time it will add up. And even if you have trouble deciding on any firm plans, we are sure you will feel the benefit of taking a moment to simply be calm. Something we could all do with more of.

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